Best source of manure for your farming -Manure is a decomposed form of dead plants and animals that is introduced into the soil to increase production.  This is a natural type of fertilizer and cost effective.  Human and animal feces are also used as manure.  Animal manure is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.  Manure is very rich in organic matter and humus, which improves soil fertility.  They are better in the long run and do not cause pollution.  It is a valuable and renewable resource.

  Types of manure

  • Green manures

  Green manures increase the percentage of organic matter in the soil.  The roots of this manure go deep into the soil.  They help control weeds and prevent soil erosion.

  • Farmyard manure

  Farmyard manure improves soil structure and is used as a natural fertilizer in agriculture.  This increases the soil’s ability to hold more water and nutrients.  It also increases the microbial activity of the soil, improving its mineral supply as well as plant nutrients.

  • Compost manure

  This improves the structure of the soil, as well as the ability of the soil to retain water and nutrients.  Thus, it increases the nutritional value and thus improves plant health.

  Crops grown on manure-treated land give healthy crops.

  Manure is an ideal correction to the soil.  When applied to agricultural fields, it acts as a residue of the field.  Farmers can sell manure to people who need to improve soil fertility.  Thus, it can bring income to farmers.  They increase the overall capacity and stability of the soil.  Manure increases the water-saving capacity of the soil.  The organic content of the soil can also be improved by adding raw manure, such as biochar, compost and the like.

  Different types source of manure contain about 26% solids.  Solid and liquid parts are separated, and solids are used for bedding.  The carbon content and other elements can be used to produce various types of biofuels.  Manure also contains a large amount of fiber.  Undigested animal feed, straw, sawdust or other litter contain a lot of fiber.

Is manure environmentally friendly?

  Manure is environmentally friendly and has made a significant contribution to increasing food production.  It was very difficult to feed the growing population.  The use of manure has improved soil fertility and increased crop yields.

  If farm animals spend any part of the year in barns, stalls, pens, sausages or feedlots, you will have to deal with manure from these areas.  What do you think about this manure?  Do you see this as an asset?  Or do you see that this pile is a commitment?  This newsletter compares the value of different types of manure as sources of nutrients and organic matter.  It describes how to make manure on your farm an asset, not a liability.

  Manure contains nutrients

  Manure contains valuable plant nutrients such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and sulfur (S).  Manure nutrients come from the feed that the animals ate.  In fact, most of the nutrients that animals eat end up in their manure.  For example, more than 75% nitrogen and

  The amount of nutrients in manure depends on the type of manure and the way it is handled.  Bird droppings contain the greatest amount of nutrients, while horse manure has much less nutrients.  Manure that contains a lot of litter will have fewer nutrients per pound than pure manure.

  What are the forms of manure nutrients

  Manure nutrients are a mixture of inorganic and organic forms.  Many of the inorganic nutrients in manure are the same as in commercial fertilizers.  These nutrients include ammonium nitrogen, soluble phosphate and potassium salts.  They are soluble in water and plants can use them immediately.

  Liquid manure and solid bird droppings contain large amounts of inorganic nutrients, especially nitrogen, which are easily soluble.  Most of the nitrogen in other solid fertilizers is organic and is slowly released.

  Nitrogen in manure and soil

  Tiny insects in the soil (Figure 1) break down organic matter into manure.  It releases nitrogen and other nutrients into inorganic forms that dissolve quickly.  The type of manure and the environment determine how quickly nitrogen is released (Figure 2).

  Fresh manure decomposes faster than composted.  Bird droppings break down faster than manure from horses, cattle, goats and other animals.  In general, the more nitrogen contained in the manure, the faster nitrogen is released.

  Follow these steps to assess manure application rates.

  • Decide how much nitrogen in your crop you can get this information from fertilizer manuals or production manuals for the crop you grow.  They are often available at your local extension office.  Then use Table 2 to estimate how much manure you need to apply based on the amount of nitrogen you need.
  • It is impractical to apply more than 60 tons of manure per hectare in any field, more than a garden.  If you apply manure to pastures or hayfields, the rates should be much lower to avoid stifling the crop and slowing its growth.
  • If you use low-nutrient fertilizers, such as horse manure, you will not be able to apply enough manure to meet the nutrient needs of your crops, and you will need to supplement it with other nutrients.  Horse manure is best used as a source of organic matter rather than nutrients.

  How do I apply manure?

  For any field larger than a garden, a manure spreader is a great time saver.  Manure spreaders vary in size depending on the amount of soil to be spread and the size of your tractor.

  By calibrating the manure spreader, you will be able to understand well how much manure you are applying.  The principle of calibrating the manure spreader is the same as calibrating the fertilizer spreader, drill or sprayer.  The easiest way is to spread the tarpaulin on the ground and weigh the amount of manure that falls on each tarpaulin as the spreader passes over it.  If you have access to cargo scales, you can weigh a full spreader, load your field, weigh a spreader

ALSO CHECK: Various types of farming soil

  When can manure be applied?

  To get the most out of the manure, apply it close to planting time.  The use of manure at this time reduces the likelihood of nutrient loss due to leaching or leaching of nutrients and runoff.  If you lose nutrients, manure loses value and you can damage groundwater nearby

  To get the most out of the manure, apply it close to planting time.  If you have manure with few available nutrients, you can apply it in the fall before planting if the manure is not likely to be washed away into streams and ponds nearby.  To keep manure in place and reduce runoff in winter, plant cover crops such as rye and oats during manure application in the fall (Figure 4).

  If you have more manure than you can use without risking runoff or leaching, you will need to develop ways to sell or dispose of manure.  Manure rich in nutrients, such as poultry manure, is in demand among farmers.  In some parts of the country, it sells for $ 30 a yard.  Other manure is too bulky for farmers to buy, but gardeners often seek to enrich the soil (Figure 5).  Many gardeners are willing to buy or take manure from local farms.

  Methods of manure application and nitrogen loss

  Animal manure is an excellent source of nutrients for crops, but it is also complex.  Fortunately, one of the complications is something that can be controlled: the method of applying manure.  Recall that N in manure occurs in two forms.  Organic N is not available for plants.  Inorganic N, on the other hand, can be broken down into ammonium and nitrate (both available to plants).  This will be important if you consider the different types of applications and how they affect nutrient loss.

  Here are two ways to use solid and liquid manure:

  Scattering manure on the surface of the field is the oldest method of scattering.  It’s easy, cheap and can be done in almost any season.  But there are some significant drawbacks.  In terms of nutrients, a significant amount of nitrogen can be lost within a few days after application.  This occurs when ammonium (inorganic, available to N plants) is converted to ammonia gas, a process called evaporation. 

However, organic N is not lost, and some of them may become available later during the growing season.  Other problems are odors and the possibility of leakage of nutrients or pathogens during heavy rains or melting snow.  Spreading with inclusion means mixing or applying manure to the soil immediately or for several days after the broadcast. 

This method significantly reduces ammonia gas losses, especially if manure is introduced quickly.  Because manure mixes thoroughly with the soil, it also helps convert organic N into inorganic N, a process called mineralization.  This means that you can expect more N to be available for plant growth than when manure remains on the soil surface. 

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